27th September 2024

Search Duffield Parish Council

Serving the people of Duffield

Trinity Methodist Church Hall

To enquire about the church hall's availability or to make a booking contact Chris
Paynter, tel 01332 840967, Email: methodisthallbookings@btinternet.com

The hall is used long term for adult dance classes, child and teenage dance classes, pilates, parent & toddler Group, playball (children's activities), Silver Leaves and painting group.

Please enquire giving preferred dates, times and purpose of hire – the hall is frequently in use with long term bookings. The hall is not available on Sundays.

Cost of hire may vary depending on use.

Short term lets include children's parties, meetings, etc.

The hall measures 10metres x 5.8metres and can seat 70 persons.

In addition, there are 2 small meeting rooms.

Limitations: The consumption of alcohol is not permitted anywhere on the Church premises.

Contact sports and martial arts are not permitted.

Long term hirers will require insurance.

Kitchen: Kitchen facilities include an oven and microwave oven sufficient for limited catering.

Car Parking: Limited car parking is available.

Last updated: Mon, 18 May 2020 09:46