27th September 2024

Search Duffield Parish Council

Serving the people of Duffield

Who we are & what we do

Duffield Parish Council came into existence on the 4th January 1895 as a result of the Local Government Act 1894. The Chairman of the Parish Council is Cllr Jim Grieveson and the Vice Chair is Cllr Roger Harrison.

The Parish office is located in the Cemetery Lodge in Hazelwood Road, which is usually open to the public Monday - Wednesday from 10:30am - 2:30pm.

The 12 members of the Parish Council are currently elected to serve for a term of four years. The current Council was elected following an uncontested election and took office on 9th May 2023 - View results. The full council usually meets the first Wednesday every other month, at 7.00pm at the Weston Centre, Tamworth Street, Duffield. Members of the public are invited to attend Council meetings, and can speak if they wish. View public participation guidance

Notices of meetings are placed in the Parish Council Noticeboard outside the White Hart. You can view a PDF of the schedule of meetings for May 2024-2025 here or view the council meetings calendar. Agendas for all meetings are also published on this website.

What we do

The Council looks after Duffield's green spaces, Eyes Meadow and Gray's Recreation Ground and play area. We are responsible for the running and upkeep of the Cemetery and allotments on Hazelwood Road, and certain footpaths in the Parish.


At the Parish Council Annual General Meeting held on 6th May 2020, the Council agreed to amend the Parish Council Committees so that they align with the Village Action Plan in addition to managing the day to day operations of the Council.

The Committees are

  • The Finance & Management Committee is responsible for the financial, policy and procedural and resource management of Duffield Parish Council.
  • The Outdoor Management & Development Committee is responsible for overseeing the day to day management of the Parish Council's facilities including Gray's Recreation Ground & Eyes Meadow Recreation Ground, car park and changing rooms, Donald Hawley Way, Church Drive, Cemetery and buildings, and Allotments.
  • The Strategic Development Committee is responsible for the long-term strategic development of Duffield Parish, including creating a sustainable development strategy for Duffield and measures to reduce emissions and improve Duffield's resilience to climate change.

In addition, there are two Committees that meet as and when required to discuss more specific matters:

  • The Staffing Committee which discusses Parish Council staffing issues;
  • A new Planning Committee was created at the 8th May 2024 Full Council meeting. The Committee will meet on an ad-hoc basis to discuss local planning applications and related matters.

Full Council

Full Council meetings take place at 7pm, usually on the first Wednesday of every other month and are usually held at the Weston Centre, Tamworth Street, Duffield.

Members of the public are welcome to attend and listen or address the Council in the Public Participation section of the Meeting. View public participation guidance

Full Council is responsible for:

  • Approving the Councils monthly payments
  • Considering and commenting on Planning Applications
  • Considering and commenting on consultations from Amber Valley Borough Council and Derbyshire County Council
  • Considering Derbyshire Association of Local Councils Circulars
  • Approving the Council's annual budget
  • Approving the Council's fees and charges
  • Setting the Council's precept
  • Approving the Annual Return
  • Approving all Council expenditure that is not delegated to the Council's Committees or Officers
  • Considering general correspondence sent to the Council
  • Hear reports from the Councillors appointed to outside bodies

View Full Council Minutes and Agendas

Annually, usually in May, The Council holds its Annual Council Meeting. At this meeting the Council appoints the Chairman and Vice Chairman for the year, appoints members to its committees, sets its meeting dates for the coming year and reviews and approves its main policies including its Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.

The Duffield Action Plan

The Parish Council has a number of ways in which it consults with the public on the development of its policies. One important piece of work in this area is the completion of a Parish Plan, now known as the Duffield Action Plan. The Plan looks at all aspects of village life and provides a plan of action for the Parish Council for the next five years. Find out more

The Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish meeting is held in March.

The Annual Parish Meeting is not a council meeting and is different to the AGM of the Parish Council which is held in May. It is a meeting of the parish or town electors. Electors can contribute to the agenda and in practice these meetings often celebrate local activities and debate current issues in the community. The chairman of the Parish Council, any two councillors or any six electors can call the Annual Parish or Town Meeting. The Chairman of the Parish Council, if present, will chair the meeting.

View Annual Parish Minutes and Agendas

Chairman's Report

The Chairman's report is presented at the Annual Parish Meeting and published in the Duffield Scene in March or April. The report summarises the Parish Council's activities during the year.

To view the Chairman's reports click here.



Our committees have specific tasks and can have delegated powers.

Duffield Parish Council Standing Orders

We have a small team who work together to deliver the range of services we provide. They can be contacted through our office at Cemetery Lodge, by phone or email.

Our Staff

Fay Craig

Fay Craig

Parish Clerk

01332 842740
07719 103015

Assistant Clerk

Jackie Clements

Village Warden

Michael Forkin

Admin Assistant

Dee Fitzgerald


Michael Antonio Hutchinson


David Melsome

Last updated: Thu, 16 May 2024 16:24