Dog fouling on the increase - please pick up after your dog
The Parish Council has recently received an increased number of complaints about the constant issue of dog fouling in the public spaces in our village.
While we know the majority of dog walkers in the village always pick up after their dog, there are a persistent minority for whom the message doesn't seem to get through.
Please remember that:
- It's an offence to allow your dog to defecate and not clean it up.
- Dog faeces is a health hazard with the potential to cause blindness in young children.
- Amber Valley Borough Council neighbourhood wardens continually strive to catch offenders and can issue on the spot fixed penalty notices.
- Amber Valley can also issue fixed penalty notices on a witness statement. A witness could be a neighbour or a complete stranger.
- Forgetting a poop scoop bag is not an acceptable excuse - you will still be prosecuted.
Dog fouling incidents can be reported online at:
Even if you don't know who is responsible, it can be useful to report incidences as Amber Valley Borough Council can send dog wardens to patrol certain areas based on complaints from the public.
The Parish Council has a small quantity of weatherproof signs for residents (pictured), produced by Derbyshire County Council. These signs are A5 sized and can be attached to your garden gate or locally to remind nearby dog walkers of their responsibilities. To order a FREE sign contact the Clerk ( or visit Duffield Library.
More information: Animal Fouling
Posted: Thu, 30 May 2024