Duffield Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
Duffield Parish Council are launching a new Neighbourhood Watch Scheme for Duffield. We hope that this will help to improve safety and connections within our community.
Being part of Neighbourhood Watch can:
- Reduce/prevent local crime and disorder;
- Reduce fear of crime;
- Address issues relating to antisocial behaviour;
- Build community spirit and cohesion amongst all age groups;
- Create safer neighbourhoods;
- Reassure members of the public;
- Enhance partnership working with other community groups;
- Assist in the detection and apprehension of criminals;
- Improve the quality of life for members;
- Improve the local environment.
The Parish Council will be the Area Coordinator for the village, but we encourage residents to sign up to be members of the scheme and we will be looking for volunteers to be Lead or Assistant Coordinators for their immediate area/street.
To find out further information contact us, or to sign up use this link: Duffield Village | Neighbourhood Watch | National network | Local Watch areas | Community crime prevention groups (ourwatch.org.uk)
Find out more about the national Neighbourhood Watch scheme (UK)
Launch event
At the end of April the Parish Council launched the new Neighbourhood Watch scheme for the village on Saturday with plenty of interest from Duffield residents who stopped by to learn more about the scheme, met the local PCSOs / safer neighbourhood team, fire brigade, Belper and Duffield Rotary, DCA and other friendly faces.
Our sincere thanks to everyone who attended, and also to the various local groups and individuals who offered advice and support to residents, staff and councillors who assisted on the day and the local Scouts for providing lovely cakes, samosas, teas and coffees.