27th September 2024

Search Duffield Parish Council

Serving the people of Duffield

Cllr Mark Spilsbury

Cllr Mark Spilsbury

Mark has lived in Duffield for 13 years. He is a self-employed economic researcher, having previously worked in the Government Economic Service, as an academic at the University of Leicester and in private sector consultancy. His first involvement in Parish affairs was working on the Village Action Plan (published in 2015) and has been the Parish Council's Traffic Adviser since that time. He is also a Governor at William Gilbert School.

Contact Address: 17, Chadfield Road

Vice Chair of Strategic Development Committee
Member of Staffing Sub-Committee

Representative on Millennium Meadow Committee
Representative on Derwent Valley Line CRP
Member of Car Parking working group

Duffield Action Plan: Traffic Management

Last updated: Tue, 07 Dec 2021 16:02