27th September 2024

Search Duffield Parish Council

Serving the people of Duffield

Cllr Louise Nelson

Cllr Louise Nelson

Louise has lived locally to Duffield all her life. Born in Little Eaton, she attended the Ecclesbourne school and has a long history with the village. Louise and her husband Simon moved into Duffield in 2012 and have a daughter who attends a village school. As a family they are very active in the community.

Louise works locally as a self-employed Dental Hygienist. She is well known to many people, along with her dalmatian dog!


Member of Strategic Development Committee

Outside bodies/Working Groups -

The Green Party
The General Dental Council
The British society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy.
Plastic Free Duffield Working group
Environment Working Group

Duffield Action Plan - Environment

Last updated: Tue, 29 Aug 2023 14:57