21st January 2025

Search Duffield Parish Council

Serving the people of Duffield

Anti-social behaviour

The information below gives some advice on what to do if you experience anti-social behaviour, who to contact and links to more information.

The Parish Council believes that the vast majority of young people in Duffield are considerate and responsible. However, recently Duffield has experienced an increase in anti-social behaviour caused by a minority of young people, both from Duffield and from other local areas travelling to Duffield.

The Parish Council has worked with the Police, Ecclesbourne School, Amber Valley Community Safety Partnership, Neighbourhood Watch and Derbyshire County Youth Services to implement a range of measures to address this anti-social behaviour.

More about anti-social behaviour

What is it?

The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 defines anti-social behaviour as acting in a manner that has "caused or was likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household" as the perpetrator.

The Police website lists the following examples of anti-social behaviour:

  • Nuisance, rowdy or inconsiderate neighbours
  • Vandalism, graffiti and fly-posting
  • Street drinking
  • Environmental damage including littering, dumping of rubbish and abandonment of cars
  • Prostitution related activity
  • Begging and vagrancy
  • Fireworks misuse
  • Inconsiderate or inappropriate use of vehicles

The police, local authorities and other community safety partner agencies, such as Fire & Rescue and social housing landlords, all have a responsibility to deal with anti-social behaviour and to help people who are suffering from it.

What powers do the Police have to stop it?

The anti-social behaviour order (ASBO) was replaced by new legislation in 2014. Police have new powers to deal with ASB including dispersal powers and the community protection notice. This page gives up-to-date advice about government legislation to combat anti-social behaviour, including what the police can do: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/anti-social-behaviour-crime-and-policing-bill-anti-social-behaviour

Local advice and information

The following links provide more comprehensive advice from local public sector organisations dealing with anti-social behaviour.

Advice from Derbyshire Police:

Antisocial behaviour | Derbyshire Constabulary

Advice from Amber Valley Community Safety Partnership including online reporting form:

Anti-social behaviour (ambervalley.gov.uk)

Advice from Derbyshire County Council:



Residents often request that CCTV cameras are installed where anti-social behaviour is prevalent and, while cameras can be invaluable in certain circumstances, there are certain considerations that mean CCTV cannot be installed or may make it more difficult for it to be installed such as:

  • Lack of facilities such as electricity and lighting (CCTV needs to be connected to a circuit and without good lighting will not produce images in the evenings and at night)
  • Lack of range (CCTV can only cover a small area and so may be unsuitable for large open spaces)
  • Cost of installation
  • Staff availability and time to view the images may be limited
  • Data protection issues

The Parish Council currently own two CCTV systems installed in public spaces, which are located on Wirksworth Road corner and at the Eyes Meadow changing rooms. Find out more. The Cemetery buildings and outbuildings on Hazelwood Road are also covered by CCTV.

For residents or local business owners interested in installing their own private CCTV the links below contain useful information.

Domestic CCTV systems | ICO

Installing CCTV? Things you need to do first | ICO

Reporting incidents

Emergency calls

In an emergency please telephone 999.

If you are deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, a text phone is available on 18000.

You should use these numbers if:

  • A crime is happening there and then.
  • Someone is in immediate danger, or there is a risk of serious damage to property.
  • A suspect for a serious crime is nearby.

Non-emergency calls

For all other calls to the Police please telephone 101 or use the online reporting form.

If you are deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, a text phone is available on 18001 101.

You should use these non-emergency numbers to:

  • Report a crime not currently in progress - for example damage to property.
  • Report ASB that requires a Police response at the time, i.e. – drunken youths shouting and swearing, intimidating due to their presence, taking drugs etc.
  • Give information to the police about crime in your area.
  • Speak to the police about a general enquiry.
  • Contact a specific police officer or member of staff.

Police reports and crime map

An online crime map for Duffield and surrounding areas can be found on the Police website, here: Duffield, Belper Rural and Holloway | Police.uk (www.police.uk)

Last updated: Fri, 26 May 2023 16:04